Crop Circles ⚛️ – Door to the supernatural.

Crop Circles -the strange mathematical, sacred geometric and fractal patterns that appear mysteriously overnight in farmers’ fields – provoke puzzlement, delight and intrigue among the press and public alike. Crop circles are like fields of eerie feelings and a door to supernatural realizations on our existence and purpose. Synchronicity is around. Undoubtedly we see sacred connections between manadalas and crop circle templates too. The word ‘mandala’ arises from the Sanskrit and means sacred circle. The circle symbolizes the womb of creation; and mandalas are geometric designs that are made through uniform divisions of the circle. We just have to open all of our senses and be aware that the nature whispers all the time.

Since the start of the 21st century, crop formations have increased in size and complexity, with some featuring as many as 2,000 different shapes and some incorporating complex mathematical and scientific characteristics. Since becoming the focus of widespread media attention in the 1980s, crop circles have become the subject of speculation by various paranormal, ufological, and anomalistic investigators ranging from proposals that they were created by bizarre meteorological phenomena to messages from extraterrestrial beings.

High sound frequency levels have been detected inside crop circles in terms of frequency. The frequency levels have fluctuated between 260 and 329 MHz, with some reaching 1.2 GHz. The intricacy of the pattern increases with frequency, which means, the greater the frequency, the more complicated the pattern. It is also noteworthy that typically measuring devices, cell phones, digital cameras etc. oftentimes do not work inside crop circles or in the very close vicinity of such.

We just have to feel it, make our lives more simple and surf the waves of harmony as directed by these spottings. The patterns in the crop circles resonates cymatic formations with unique frequencies assigned for healing and well-being affects. Cymatics is the study of wave phenomena, especially sound, and their visual representations. Cymatics and crop circles demonstrate that sound at different frequencies produces complex shapes in matter that correspond to natural and religious shapes and symbols, and formations that resemble sacred imagery. The gong and Tibetian bowls demonstrates that humans may cure themselves or change their attitudes by influencing vibration and the sound produced by the vibration, which differs at different frequencies.

The intervention of vibrations and sound in Cymatics, crop circles, and the gong demonstrates that we humans are connected to and with a higher power, if we chose to recognize it. This insight demonstrates that we have choices and, to a degree, command over our lives. Humanity is a part of something much deeper, wholesome, natural and significant than we are often and commonly lead to believe. In the end, we do have the ability to create our own happiness, again, if we so chose.

Crop circles and sacred geometry have many similarities if you believe they were made by an invisible intelligence. Cymatic patterns, which resemble potent symbols like the mandala, pentagram, and Merkaba, also share very similar geometric characteristics when compared to crop circles in their appearance. The biblical term for the merkaba is light (mer), spirit (ka), and flesh (ba). The term “Merkaba” signifies divine light that echoes through in a double-superimposed tetrahedron star vehicle. The “The Vitruvan Man” art by Leonardo DaVinci has been analyzed using the Merkaba form. It is meant to depict man as a flawless, exquisite piece of geometry. According to DaVinci, humans are a precise collection of geometric forms. Humans ought to mirror our Creator if they are ideal creations.

The physicality of the crop circle holds a deeper meaning as well. The wheat used to make the crop circles represents Mother Earth and harmony. All crop circles begin with a circle and grow in size. Circles are symbolic of cosmic life, the unknown, and heaven. Crop circles, like mandalas, contain vibrations that help in the process of inner transformation. The square signifies material and earth, and when combined with a circle, it depicts the fusion of humankind and the universal spiritual mother. Crop circles demonstrate that nature is mighty and knows just who to speak with.

Many New Age groups incorporate crop circles into their belief systems. In India also we make rangolis and other such auspicious signs, patterns and symbols for the best of outcomes expected, festivity, well-being, harmony, aesthetics and sacredness. Such indigenous and sacred patterns have been part of many cultures since time immemorial. Some paranormal advocates think that crop circles are caused by ball lighting and that the patterns are so complex that they have to be controlled by some entity.

Crop—circles which appear on farmers’ fields, with their gigantic yet intricate patterns, have intrigued scientists and UFO buffs for decades, but with none emerging any wiser. Wiltshire is the home of Stonehenge and an even more extensive stone circle in the village of Avebury. The rolling downs are dotted with burial mounds and solitary standing stones, which many believe to be connected by an extensive network of “leys,” or paths of energy linking these enchanted sites with others around the country. It is said that this vast network is overlaid in the form of “sacred geometries.” The region has also given rise to a rich folklore of spectral black dogs, headless coachmen and haunted houses.

Visitors to Glastonbury, the Mecca of new religiosity, are often devotees of alternative spirituality and Shamanism involved in therapeutic work either full or part time.
They have a common holistic approach to existence, where the cosmos is a spiritual, pulsating and living whole. From such a perspective, crop circles become charged with meaning. The special feature of this part of England is that the region is also rich in alleged lines of energy (ley lines) and unique ancient monuments, with Stonehenge as the best-known.

Increasing numbers of scientists are becoming intrigued by the nature of the phenomena. Will future generations look back at us with amazement, wondering why we failed to respond to these messages? Some believe they convey brotherhood from outer space and mark towards the beginning of new golden age on Earth with 5th dimensional capibilities of humans and mother Earth, while others think these phenomena are manifestations of humanity’s own desires and intentions.

Stop trying to understand it all with our heads. Our hearts tell us what matters and we need to make time and space to be able to hear.We are an intrinsic part of nature. We are not standing above it. We cannot just use it for our own luxuries and pleasures. We need to return the gift. Reciprocity is key in our connections to other people and in our connections with nature too. Crop circles are said by some who have studied them to be messages from intelligent extraterrestrial life. — Arzoo Singh 🫶

The Zero Point Field of everything.

Remember, everything we experience in physical reality is made up of energy and information being projected or radiated into the space-time of the mind through infinite zero points. That energy and information comes from Source.
What is the mysterious zero point energy? How to avoid to enter into a too deep scientist perspective but to enlarge its field to our daily life?

Concretely why is it crucial and the center point of a potential new era? There are many words associate with it: singularity, free energy, unified field…We are all well aware that it is possible to be surrounded by the greatest of wealth and comforts, and experience terrible suffering and pain. That does not mean that physical wealth and comforts have no value. They do, but that value depends entirely upon our perception. And our perception of reality is dependent upon our connection with Source, through the gateway, the zero point, of the Human Heart.

The zero point field is infinite, intelligent, and Loving. Tapping into this field goes far beyond the potential benefits of physical comfort and exploration. Transforming our world from Illusion of Separation to an experience of Heaven on Earth is the true “final frontier”. The zero point is therefore at the heart of all creation. At the origin of all things is the Universal Zero Point from which the whole creation emanates. It is the center of consciousness of the universal Creator that is then reflected in all other zero points of the multiverse.

This is exactly the principle of the Indra’s net in Hinduism. The principle of the fractal holotropic universe: the smallest part contains the entire pattern of the big picture and reflects the whole Universe. Psychics, healers, mystics, and spirituals have accessed the Akasha, the psychic field, and merged with life force energies for millennia and it would appear that science is now catching in their understanding of these states and experiences through the conceptual proofs of Zer0-Point energy and the Zero- Point Field as expressed in theories in Quantum Physics.

The brain can achieve these altered wave states without technological intervention. It may only require meditation, methodical development of psychic awareness, consistent and clear in practice, as well as openness of the individual to transform.

The concept of zero-point energy was developed by Max Planck in Germany in 1911. The CERN in Switzerland is the particle accelerator which tries to find this point of singularity. To be the simplest one and to summarize on a scientist point of view we could say Zero point energy is the energy that remains when any other form of energy has been removed. But this quantity of energy is incredibly important.

There are 2 paradoxes:

1-Even in the absence of any material, the vacuum has fluctuating zero-point energy, the smaller the volume is, the bigger the quantity of energy is. There is more energy in the equivalent of the size of a pea than in all universe!

2-The speed is so urged, that it is still and in movement at the same time.

Both aspects are impossible to understand consciously and to represent it to ourselves.

The energy of the vacuum corresponds to the energy of the zero point of all the fields of the space.

The zero point is the gravitational force that maintains the cohesion of a system. Each system has a zero point, which is its central point allowing it to be consistent with the rest of the universe. Thus the smallest systems are contained in the larger systems with perfect mathematical consistency. For example, a cell is part of an organ that is also part of one of the systems of the human body, which is part of the whole human being, which is part of the planet, which is part of the planetary system, which is part of the galaxy, then the universe and the multiverse. Each system is included in the larger and all systems are connected to each other through their zero point.

That’s why another important function is to be a point of connection and transfer. It is by the zero points that you can access all the information available in the universe and that you can project your consciousness anywhere in the universe, regardless of the distance. You are thus able to experience other dimensions, other realities as well as get all the information you want through zero points.

When the center of our consciousness, located in the middle of our brain at the level of the pineal gland, is at the zero point, we are in a state of neutral consciousness, without thoughts and without emotions, without needs and without expectations. In this state, we are completely detached from your human self. We feel in perfect balance with all that lives, with the planet and with the whole creation. It is this state of consciousness that allows you to have access to the absolute truth. We can project our consciousness elsewhere or we can receive information from another place.

Jean-Emile Charon, physicist, and philosopher said: “In the universe, every atom is connected to every other atom, through the substance (spirit) of antimatter, and every knowledge is potentially accessible to every atom of the universe.” Knowing that everything: the universe, a stone, a vegetable, an animal, a human, a cell… is made of atoms. Zero points are energetic vortices, transfer points, allowing almost instantaneous communication with the rest of the universe. It is our intention that drives the process of transferring or requesting information.

Each cell also has a zero point in its center. The so-called nucleus is actually a zero point. The cell contains the information needed to self-maintain and regenerate through the zero point. The zero point serves among other things to recycle the information contained in the cell so that it is constantly renewed. When the zero point of a cell, organ of the human body becomes distorted as a result of the addition of erroneous information that cell or organ can no longer self-sustain and can no longer vibrate at its optimal rate. The cell can no longer regenerate or function normally, which is the cause of the imbalances and diseases we are currently experiencing on Earth. However, it is possible to return the zero point to its initial position or to vibrate at its optimum speed to help a cell, or any other organ or system, to restore its original and optimal vibration.

In the same way, regularly calibrating the three main zero points of our physical body with the universal frequency contributes to establishing an increasingly permanent equilibrium between the energy field created by the vibration of all of your cells, that of the planet, of the galaxy and the entire universal structure. This alignment allows us to feel connected to the Source of energy and our true nature in order to start operating from this universal frequency at all times.

Each time we calibrate our energy field at universal frequencies, we help our cells to restore a perfect state of health simply by causing them to regain their original vibration. Heart-brain coherence established by meditative practices and an evolved lifestyle can work wonders in accessing this life -force energy or the sea of bliss. The great Sufi Rumi famous said: “You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean within a drop.”

Buckminster Fuller said “The vector equilibrium is the true zero reference of the energetic mathematics. Zero pulsation in the vector equilibrium is the nearest approach we will ever know to eternity and god: the zero phase of conceptual integrity inherent in the positive and negative asymmetries that propagate the differentials of consciousness.”

When Pascal said: “It is a sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere”. Some people think he was talking about God or consciousness or this 0 point energy. Maybe it is all of three together. We can do a parallel with the fact the center would be the particle and the sphere the field of potential, every single second we would only see particle by particle, dot by dot, pixel by pixel although in parallel universes all scenarios co-exist at the same time.

The theories and scientific research in this particular area of quantum physics lay the ground work for attempting to explain how the mind/brain/brain waves initiate transactions in the natural; how our thoughts commingle with everything else, and cause matter to manifest in our lives. The more we look at this area, the clearer the God/Science connection becomes. If thoughts equal energy and energy equals matter, then thoughts become matter. Observe your thoughts as they will manifest themselves in your life in the natural via the ZPF. ~ Arzoo Singh 💙

Unleash your Merkabah ✡️

To explain what Merkabah is, you must first begin to understand the flow of energy and the energy fields that surround the human body. The first, Prana or Chi is the life force. This is the unseen energy that exists everywhere in the Universe. Prana enters the body through the top of our head (crown chakra), this is the reason there is a hole in the top of the skull of unborn embryos which in our infancy is referred to as “the soft spot”, which gradually closes and hardens as we develop. The majority of the Prana flow runs through core (center) of our body like a torus. Each pyramid has its base, or foundation, at the Centre, where Heaven and Earth meet and join as One energy. (This is at your Earth Tan Tien), focusing on it daily will raise the vibration of the body and allow certain connections with other spheres of existence. On a fundamental level, it is your connection to the ‘Elemental realm’. At the upper-most level, it is your connection to ‘All That Is’, or the Source.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “turning wheel”. From each chakra, there are branches of energetic lines (meridians) that reach every cell in our body. We have Prana field that surrounds our body as a result of the meridians and the Prana flow. This is now the field of the aura. The auric field is an egg shaped energy field that surrounds our body and change its color according to our thoughts, feelings and emotions. After the auric field we have hundreds of electromagnetic fields.  These fields have precise geometrical shapes. Each one of them is made up of three identical fields with the same size and shape. We are able to rotate two of the three star tetrahedron fields in opposite directions by using the ancient the ancient Prana breathing technique by creating a seventeen meter energy field which is our “light” body, the Merkabah.

These are 9 levels that you can expand into with this Merkaba:

  1. Elemental layer. This is the physical world, the world of plants and physicality. The World of the Elemental energies which create our natural world.
  2. This is a ‘Light’ level, just filled with light. A much finer frequency than the very physical first level.

3. This is the ‘Crystal’ level, the crystals we work with, in the landscape! The whole field becomes crystalline.

4. This is the level of level of ‘Neptune’ and the sea. Here you work with the ‘water’ platonic solids which connect to each other via the sea, the Elemental Beings of Water and with the Collective conscious of humanity.

5. The fifth level is the level of Archetypal symbols and knowledge. Energy as symbols lives in this layer. When we see Gods and Goddess energy this is where they ‘live’. We take from this field when we use their energy and when we use symbols of any kind. Symbols are pictorial representations of different kind of energies and thoughtforms.

6. This level is the Spider Woman level at the core of the earth. Her energy runs through the planet in red and black lines. These lines continue out into space so that the earth is held in a universal web. These are the webs of creation and energy which feed the living planet and in much coherence with the string theory.

7. The seventh layer is the Heart layer, the heart of the Mother and is part of the band of electromagnetic energy which runs around the planetary field.

8. This level seems to be the Gold layer, our/the Earth’s connection to All That Is!

9. The eighth level seems to be more of an Angelic level. I found myself anchoring energies and creating lines with this level.

The Diamond energies focus, with precision, the light of the Heart of the Mother, in all of the ancient sacred places. In this way, the Matrix of the Mother-light can expand into the network of light around the world.’ Triangular pyramids of light with a common center, where one tetrahedron points up and the other down. It harmonizes male and female energy, much like a Yin/Yang symbol. “Mer” means light, “Ka” means spirit and “Ba” means body.  Merkaba-Light Spirit Body. Once we have been attuned to the Diamond Frequencies we can then anchor the necessary energies into any one of these layers. It also gives you access to stellar energies which can then also be connected to specific points around the planet.

The Merkaba enables us to feel unconditional love (heart opening) thus healing ourselves as well as others. It gives us the possibility of creating any kind of harmonious reality we desire. The Merkabah can be “programmed” to do anything (the only drawback being our own belief and imagination). The Merkaba is also a tool that can be used to transcend into other dimensions. Revived studies and practices of the Merkabah are emerging all over the world after so many years of being suppressed from different sources, including the Old Testament, Kabala and even the traditional Tarot cards.

Like crystals, it is programmed through meditation and intentions, as long as it is actively spinning, which is done through breathing exercises and by instructing intentions. Only you control your Merkaba, no other human may do so, although healers can help with breathwork to support your work. —- Arzoo Singh 🌟

The Halls of Amenti 🪞🔮

There are many speculations what the Halls of Amenti could be. From mystical realms to stargates, or something underneath the Sphinx. Misconceptions are easily born by taking words literally. To transpose them literally from the mystical domain to the material domain is a mistake.

The Halls of Amenti act as a distortion filter between our physical being and the Soul. It is the realm between the Omega Point and our 3D world. Reincarnation happens from the Halls of Amenti back into a new physical body. This will continue to go on until you finally “get it”, i.e. that the physical world is an illusion.

The term Omega point (and Noosphere) was first coined by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and stands for the highest level of consciousness, i.e. God consciousness.

The Halls of Amenti, the ultimate hall of mirrors, is the realm of the great illusion that is only passable by knowledge, wisdom, and complete lack of Karma. After passing the Halls of Amenti merger with the Omega Point follows.

If that idea completely resonates with you, there’s an immense task waiting for you!”The Halls exist in the center of the earth and hold Ascended Masters and Energy beings that teach the mysteries of time, space, alchemy and the nine dimensions. Some of the things they teach are Magnetism-the ability to channel energy through the body and heal, Hydrokinesis-ability to control or manipulate water, Cryokinesis – the ability to control or manipulate temperature, Photokinesis- the ability to manipulate light and become invisible, Bilocation -the ability to be in more than one location at the same time, Remote Viewing – the ability to view in 3d persons, places, things and events in the past, present and future, Telepathy- the ability to communicate with other people or other conscious life-forms through your thoughts, Levitation-the ability to defy gravity and float in the air.

The Akashic Records are an energetic imprint of every thought, action, emotion, and experience that has ever occurred in time and space. The Akashic Records can also be understood as the imprint of all experiences of all lifetime in all realities. They are an etheric, holographic repository of information for human consciousness for the past, present and potentials for the future. The energy that makes up the Akashic Records is the energy of Love! The knowledge contained in the Akashic Records is imprinted upon a subtle substance called the Akasha, which describes the energy of Love that permeates and creates everything in the Universe.

The Akasha is available everywhere, all the time. Everyone can access information from the Akashic Records at any time, and indeed we do! The flashes of intuition and knowing hunches that occur every day are glimpses into the divine wisdom contained in the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are a library in the fifth dimension that holds the thoughts, emotions, experiences of everything on the planet from the beginning of time. Every being in the Universe contributes to and accesses the Akashic Records. Because we are all created by and connected to the energy of Love, our divine birthright includes having access to the divine wisdom and knowledge contained in the Akashic Records.

The Akashic Records contain all past, present, and future possibilities through the vibrations of compassion and joy. They are like the DNA of the universe. They contain a collection of everything that has occurred in the past, and they hold a complete set of information regarding possibilities for the future. Every individual soul has its own, unique Akashic Record. The souls of groups, events, organizations, and locations also have a unique Akashic Record.

One way to understand the Akashic Records is to envision them as a book that contains the entire history of your soul, as well as every aspect of who you are now and all the potentials for your future. This metaphorical book is so vast that it could never exist physically. Instead, it is recorded energetically in the vibration of the Love that makes up everything in the Universe.

The clear truth contained in the Akashic Records allows us the freedom to choose grace in all things. When we know the truth, we can release any illusions we have created that cause us to believe we are separate from God, Spirit, or Source. The Akashic Records are one of the most powerful tools available on the planet today, to help us remember our Oneness with every being in the Universe, and to find our personal and collective power to create the realities we desire.

The Halls of Amenti are the

Creational Grids
Hall of Records
Akashic Records
Collective Unconsiciousness
Collective Memory
Wheel of Karma – Illusion of Time

The Seven Lords of Amenti are :

“And again, unto me spoke the Seven, saying:
Child of the LIGHT, O THOTH, art thou,
free to travel the bright path upward
until at last ALL ONES become ONE

Forth were WE formed after our order:

Know ye that these are the numbers of cycles. Time and space are moving in circles.
Know ye their law, and ye too shall be free.
Aye, free shall ye be to move through the cycles, pass the guardians that dwell at the door.”

The seven Lords of Light or Lords of Amenti (amenti = temporal | mental energy normalize vessel incarnate) are as follows:

3: UNTANAS (aka: Root Chakra, Red 🕹️🔻) – Lord of the Underworld & Magic…ie. the controller to the physical realm and magnetism.

4: QUERTAS (aka: Sacral Chakra, Orange 🔶👶) – Lord of Life & Power…ie. the controller of sexual energy and procreation.

5: CHIETAL (aka: Solar Plexus Chakra, Yellow ⭐🛤️) – Lord Master of All…ie. the controller of purpose and passion, and guide toward a path of truth.

6: GOYANA (aka: Heart Chakra, Green 💚🕯️) – Lord of Light…ie. the controller and conduit to source energy, love and inner light.

7: HUERTAL (aka: Throat Chakra, Blue 🗣️♒) – Lord of Space & Time…ie. the controller of incarnations, archetype-allocation and subsequent personalities.

8: SEMVETA (aka: Third Eye Chakra, Indigo 📜⚖️) – The Judge & Lord of Progress…ie. the controller to cumulative experiences, memories, and path progression.

9: ARDAL (aka: Crown Chakra, Violet ⌛✨) – Lord Father…ie. the guardian of ascension and the gate to the formless.

The myth of the Hall of Records is featured in many creative works.

Stel Pavlou places the location of the Hall of Records beneath the Sphinx in the Atlantis adventure novel Decipher.
In the X-Men: Evolution television series, the Hall of Records is located beneath the Great Sphinx and is actually a prison of the first mutant, Apocalypse.
In the Generator Rex television series, the Hall of Records is Van Kleiss’s laboratory when he was sent back in time.
In Assassin’s Creed Origins the Hall of Records is located beneath the Sphinx.

The Halls of Amenti are now open again to Seekers and those on the path of Ascension! This mighty Storehouse residing under the Great Sphinx is home to Ascended Masters from the beginning of time.

It was forged by alchemical Masters under the careful guidance of Thoth to act as a living “museum” -a timeless resting place for those Blessed Beings who survived the fall of Lemuria and watched the birth of our modern civilization.

The Halls is a library of forgotten knowledge, containing not only the Earth’s “lost” history, but also the ascension blueprint from those who have gone before us -the identical Path we will take upon our own ascension. — Arzoo Singh ⚜️

Block Universe Theory of Time ♾

We are multidimensional beings, we are spread out into time, something like the way we are spread out into space. We are in a scattered condition and various parts of time may be dotted around the infinite Universe for the cosmic play of life to happen. Time is not pervasive of higher dimensions. It is like your future self is watching you right now through your memories. Mass tells spacetime how to curve and spacetime tells mass how to move. A block universe is a four-dimensional block, but instead of being made of cement, it is made of spacetime. And all of the space and time of the Universe are there in that block. Also according to the block Universe view temporal relations of ‘earlier than’ and ‘later than’ does exists, this relation hold regardless of where anyone is located.

We can’t see this block, we’re not aware of it, as we live inside the cement of spacetime. And we don’t know how big the block universe we live in is. So if the future and past are already encoded into the block universe we inhabit – how does that account for our human experience of life, of our inexorable movement through time?

From this block time perspective, time, as we experience in the block universe, is an illusion. It’s not a real, fundamental property of nature. The ticking of time, our experience of time passing, is only because we are stuck inside the block universe, moving forward along the dimension of time. The fact that we experience moving forward in the block but not outside it comes from the fact that the block picture treats time just as another spatial dimension, and we can step outside of it.

Time is relative: a clock ticks faster on a satellite in orbit around the Earth than for one remaining on the ground. And Einstein’s most revolutionary idea was that time and space are not separate, distinct entities. They are simply the labels we give to the four dimensions of spacetime – the fabric of our Universe. Gravity, caused by massive objects warping the fabric of spacetime, affects not only the movement of an object through space, but also the object’s passage through time.

Whichever way a clock is made, it is in essence a motion accumulator. It doesn’t literally measure the flow of time. A clock is not some cosmic gas meter. Open up a gas meter and you’ll find gas flowing through it. Open up a clock and you won’t find time flowing through it. All you’ll find is some kind of regular cyclical internal motion. Tick tock, tick tock, the internal mechanism of a clock isn’t called a movement for nothing.

The notion that time flows is just a figure of speech. Rivers flow, currents flow, blood flows. These things flow because something moves. Water moves, hearts move, people move. The Earth moves, the stars move, the galaxies move. Everything moves, and you can see this motion because light moves to your eye and electrochemical signals move in your nerves and brain. Because photons and electrons and other things move. But you can’t see time flowing. That’s because it doesn’t. Nor can you see it passing. That’s because it doesn’t. The passage of time is just another figure of speech. Footballers pass, buses pass, kidney stones pass. But there is no physical thing called time that actually passes. Instead things move. Things like planets and planes and pendulum clocks.

When Einstein unified space and time in his general theory of relativity in 1915, he gave us a new way to picture our Universe. Imagine a regular chunk. It has three dimensions but we live in four dimensions: the three spatial dimensions plus one time dimension.  At cosmological scales, there is power to wield over time. Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.

Under eternalism, the question of free will and determinism becomes much less clear because it seems that everything in the universe has already happened under eternalism. It’s called the “block universe” view in physics — in which everything has, in a sense, a manner of speaking, already happened. And this would mean that what we think of as free will is, in a sense, an illusion. But I think part of the challenge there is coming to terms of what free will means. I think in reality from a neuroscience basis, what we should think of free will is simply a subjective feeling of your subconscious brain making decisions.

It also seems the present moment changes too — after all, tomorrow it will seem as though tomorrow is present, and yesterday it appeared yesterday was present!

Since we are always located wherever we are (that’s trivially true), everyone is located in the present, just as everyone is located at the place they call “here”.

In the context of physics, there’s two general views of the nature of time. One we can think of is “presentism,” which only the present is real. And the second, we can think of as “eternalism” in which the past, present, future are equally real. And under this view, now is to time as here is to space. In other words, just as I happen to be here now, it’s perfectly acceptable to me that there are other points in space I could be. Similarly, just as I am here now, under eternalism, there’s plenty of other points in time, the past and future, where perhaps other versions of myself or other parts of my world line exist and are as real as I am.

If time is just another dimension, a lot like the spatial dimensions, does that mean we can travel in time?

The short answer is yes.

Of course, things are way more complicated than that. Travelling in time is clearly much more difficult than travelling in space. It might be very technologically costly to time travel, so perhaps it’s not really something that, practically speaking, we can do.

But it’s certainly possible.

We already know that travelling very fast will result in time dilation. We can travel quite a way into the future if we can travel at some reasonable percentage of the speed of light. We also know how to travel into the past. We can do that by using wormholes, which are short cuts through space-time. ~ Arzoo Singh 🤍

How about Multiverses?🌠🌌

A man cannot live without seeking to describe, explain and assimilate the Universe he lives in. And in this quest both Religion and Science can help. A great mix of head, heart and super consciousness opens door to many unsloved mysteries and its gradual unfoldment. We all experience life through our own subjective lenses, interpreting day-to-day happenings differently than everyone else. This contributes to individuality, free will, and the ability to think for ourselves and have unique probe and perspectives about our existence and its nature.

One remarkable idea — known as the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics — postulates that all the outcomes that can possibly occur actually do happen, but only one outcome can happen in each Universe. It takes an infinite number of parallel Universes to account for all the possibilities, but this interpretation is just as valid as any other. There are no experiments or observations that rule it out.
And individual memory lapses are easily written off when everyone else’s memory says otherwise. But how does one explain false memories that are held by a significantly large portion of the population.

The idea of parallel Universe and Multiverses is linked to Mandela Effect and other experiences like Deja Vu, Time travel and Extra terrestrials. Two possibilities exits, either we are alone in the Universe or we are not, both are equally terrifying. There is undoubtedly case for multiple and parallel Universe, atleast parallel dimensional realities is a living truth for a lot of people with clair powers and raised vibrations. But of course, the way that we witness our world often results in lapses of memory or perception and hence equivalent examples of glitches in the matrix is accounted by many.

The Mandela Effect was given its name by Fiona Broome, who seemed to remember hearing about the death of Nelson Mandela on the news while he was imprisoned in the 1980s. In “reality,” Mandela survived until late 2013 and did not even become president of South Africa until 1994. But as it turned out, her memory was shared by a deluge of similarly convinced people, resulting in many other instances in which large swaths of the population have claimed to experience the same confabulated memories. Eventually this whole soul-searching and of the Universe is like an invisible piece of writing, in which we can now and then decipher a letter, a word or a sentence and then its gone again but the experience remains.

Could it be evidence of a Multiverse in which waves of events from a parallel universe have washed over into ours, creating subtle nuances in the time-space continuum, where there was once a children’s book called the Berenstein Bears, instead of the Berenstain Bears? It’s more interesting to explore such topics of inter-dimensional and multi-dimensional realities. We also are multi-dimensional beings, only to be awakened to our own expansiveness and eternity once and we shall remain awakened forever. We are spiritual beings having human experience and not vice-versa.

With topics ranging from movies that never existed to discrepancies in historical events, people vehemently claim to remember very particular things differently, but on a large, collective scale. Some people’s reactions are visceral when they experience new revelations due to the Mandela Effect, to the point of incurring astonishments.

Mandela Effect Theories and CERN

One pragmatist theory for explaining the Mandela Effect is that it is simply a failure in the collective memory. Our brains are very easily influenced by our own filters, as well as the perception of others. Many common instances of the Mandela Effect are trivial and maybe just went unnoticed in the past, or are the result of conclusions that our brains jump to based on the context of an image or video. But some are substantial, like an entire country hundreds of miles out of place.

One of the more intriguing theories that attempt to explain this phenomenon points a finger at CERN and the large hadron collider in Switzerland. CERN’s experiments are intended to find elusive particles that could potentially show evidence of a multiverse, create tiny black holes, or discover dark matter. While all of this sounds very exciting, it also sounds potentially dangerous. What could possibly go wrong if we opened up a black hole in Europe, or tapped into another dimension with consequences unknown? While the scientists at CERN assure us their experiments are conducted on such a controlled, small scale as to have little, if any, negative consequences, some believe that their meddling in quantum fields has led to some strange effects, resulting in some kind of interdimensional entanglement.

One of the quantum particles that CERN has been searching for is the graviton. These elusive particles correspond with how gravity would react between different dimensions and are still only hypothetical, but the way CERN describes them is intriguing.

“If gravitons exist, it should be possible to create them at the LHC, but they would rapidly disappear into extra dimensions. Collisions in particle accelerators always create balanced events – just like fireworks – with particles flying out in all directions. A graviton might escape our detectors, leaving an empty zone that we notice as an imbalance in momentum and energy in the event. We would need to carefully study the properties of the missing object to work out whether it is a graviton escaping to another dimension or something else.”

Is CERN inducing these gravitons, creating holes to other dimensions, and swapping idiosyncrasies in our world? Or are we just having a collective memory lapse?

“If (quantum theory) is correct, it signifies the end of physics as a science.”
— Albert Einstein

Whether you believe The Mandela Effect to be fact or fiction, the growing number of shared perspectives across a variety of ideas and events, and inclusive of a broad spectrum of socioeconomic backgrounds, is compelling.

Here are a few science-related notions that might have given birth to the existence or the milieu of ideas related to The Mandela Effect:

Time Travel

Time travel might provide us with the ability to experience a variety of our unique, potential, life trajectories. Here’s how that might work:

We’re already traveling through time, only forwards. This means that time-travel relative to other people also exists, which includes walking together. Physicists have found a way to solve the time travel paradox as Einstein’s theory of General Relativity predicts the existence of time loops wherein an Event can be both in the past and future of itself. This means that space-time can potentially adapt itself to avoid paradoxes.

If the whole universe was spinning, which it’s not, time loops would emerge, which would give us the ability to choose from a variety of time loops to experience some of our other potential life trajectories.

Since wormholes are bridges through spacetime, we could use them to travel into the past or the future. The challenge here is that we don’t know how to build wormholes. Further, we would need negative energies or exotic matter to do this, which we don’t fully understand and have not yet created. The increasing body of knowledge on anti-matter could be a breakthrough in this direction.

This doesn’t mean that aliens and beings from other dimensions are not already building wormholes which could be affecting our current perspective of reality and giving birth to additional spacetime warping, loops and potentialities akin.  

Quantum Computers

Quantum computers use tiny circuits, superposition, whereby multiple quantum states can be merged to produce a new outcome, and entanglement, which results in groups of particles that interrelate and cannot be described independently.

Quantum computing utilizes the fluctuation of atomic and subatomic particles as they morph from one state to another. While prior computers used bits and bytes to quantify processing power, quantum computers use qubits or quantum bits. While a bit can be found at either of the two poles within a sphere, a qubit can be found anywhere within that sphere.

For a quantum computer’s storage size, processing power and computation, it means that there will be infinite space, infinite power, infinite logic gates, and infinite computational possibilities, far outpacing today’s limited, classic computer architecture. When we enter the quantum computing arena, traditional laws of physics and particle theory no longer apply.

While this all sounds fascinating, quantum computing comes with challenges and potential nightmares. These fascinating machines do not always surpass every classical algorithm, and there is no known problem for which quantum computers outperform every traditional rival.

The quantum theory related to The Mandela Effect goes something like this: As quantum computers interact with the various states of the atomic and subatomic particles within their spheres, they affect other particles within the realities of different dimensions. Some say this alone could change specific details surrounding specific events.


D-Wave is a category of quantum machine created by D-Wave Systems, Inc., in Canada. The company seeks to exploit the potential quantum effects inherent in their processing systems. Currently, D-Wave machines can only handle specific tasks.

In the pursuit of this tech, scientific-minded Mandela Effect fans suggest that the intensity of the computational force from D-Wave computers could have a profound effect on particles, life, trajectories and events throughout the universe. In turn, D-Wave machines might easily create a Mandela Effect.

Cern Conspiracy Theories

Some fervent, conspiracy theorists are so confident that Switzerland’s CERN organization is at the helm of universal particle manipulation, they’ve renamed The Mandela Effect, “The Cern Mandela Effect” and “The Cern Quantum Effect.”

Established in 1954 and based in Switzerland, CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research. It has 22 member states/countries and has made hundreds of unique scientific discoveries, including the “God Particle,” otherwise known as Higgs Boson. CERN also invented the World Wide Web, not necessarily in partnership with Al Gore.

Because of the nature of CERN’s experiments, some believe spacetime is being unknowingly or knowingly manipulated, thereby producing Cern parallel universes.

“A classical computation is like a solo voice – one line of pure tones succeeding each other. Quantum computation is like a symphony – many lines of tones interfering with one another.”
– Seth Lloyd, Programming the Universe

The Present Moment

Time will tell whether The MandelaEffect, CERN, D-Wave and quantum computing will help us understand time-travel, particles, wormholes, changes in prior realities, and the creation of accessible time loops.

In the meantime, let’s stay in the present moment, meditate on our expansiveness, and do our best to love each other. —– Arzoo Singh 🌝