Tesseract and Timelessness. 🌌

There are four dimensions to human life. These are the mind, the body, the external world, and the inner realm of  pure awareness. Of these, only the external world is a collective experience, while the rest are individual. Within these four pillars of life, we either rise to our full human potential, or we remain ordinary. Tesseract is about geometry, or rather using geometry as a method for establishing an alternative futurism that exists in parallel to our current reality.

In geometry, the tesseract is the four-dimensional analogue of the cube; the tesseract is to the cube as the cube is to the square. The word “tesseract” was invented by the mathematician Charles Howard Hinton in 1888, when he was trying to create a visual explanation for the existence of the fourth dimension — time. Essentially, a tesseract is a four dimensional cube.

Understanding the four dimensions of life i.e Pure awareness.

Everyone has a unique set of talents. It is up to us to discover them. The mind and body are the vechicles of expression, and the two are available to each individual. We can enhance the mind with external knowledge. However, to sharpen it and strengthen its clarity so it may reflect our true potential, we need to explore the least understood dimension, the inner realm. This exploration can only be done individually.

There is so much information already in the collective human intelligence. With the ease of a finger tap on a hand-held screen, we can access information instantaneously. As information storage shifts from memory to books to an intangible electronic medium, the internet, we fill the void in our memory bank with more of our interpretations of the world.

The interpretations of experiences we encounter become “garbage information” once the experience generating the interpretation passes. All it does it to add to the inner cross-talk between thoughts. Life talks to us through silence. There is a deep-seated feeling of incompleteness. Hence the seeking in various forms. Some go for wealth, others for power.

Life works in silence. The mind does not. Whatever little silence that the mind entertains, we quickly fill that space with our hopes, dreams, and aspirations. The net effect is that the mind gains a monopoly over our waking consciousness. This leaves little or no scope to dwell on the missing dimension, the inner world.

This inner dimension will remain mysterious and poorly understood as long as we approach it through the mind. The mind is best used as an interface with the external world.

How then are we to contact the inner realm?

If we leave the mind aside, by not interacting with thoughts, not recalling from memory, and not creating new thoughts through interpretations, we may encounter a vast but dormant space within our being.  It is the space in which every thought or idea arises, and where we suffer or enjoy the coming and going of experience. It is present in everyone.

To bring this space into a direct experience, we need to turn on the switch of awareness. We are aware of what is happening in the mind only as a participant of an experience. This awareness exists only on account of our identification with experiences and is a lower form of awareness. It is an unconscious response. Such limited awareness makes the mind a highly relative place.

That “nowhere” lies more in-depth than the subconscious world of dreams and memories. The subconscious mind is like an impenetrable wall that makes the inner realm appear like a dead end.

Awareness makes the impenetrable subconscious mind porous. The more we practice awareness, the more we drill through the subconscious. Awareness is a power that lies within all. Just as the senses connect the mind to the outside world, through awareness contact is established with the inner realm.

The mind can fathom space as a contiguous entity. The eyes can see this continuity. However, space within, which contains the mind and its contents can only be experienced in awareness.  This happens when we relax and meditate, allowing the mind to subsist on its own.

Within the mind’s vast ecosystem, there is plenty of accumulated material that can keep it churning for a long time.

Awareness comes about through relaxation. Ordinarily, we are looking at the rest of the mind through the “pin-hole” of a particular thought or idea. This requires effort. We can apply the same energy towards looking at the mind, not from the vantage of thought or opinion but in totality.

When we become aware of the mind as a separate self-contained ecosystem, the perception of a distance that awareness creates may make us feel like we are in no man’s land. It is bound to be uncomfortable at first, without familiar memories and experiences to lean on and provide support. In essence, we are on our own in new unchartered territory.

After the initial shock of the separation from the mind passes, we may encounter a strange familiarity with the experience of being aware. We may say, “It’s not so bad after all.” Awareness is not withdrawal or falling away. On the contrary, we find ourselves on firmer footing.

Compared to a dream, the waking state feels more real. However, this waking reality is fleeting, just like a dream. There is continual ebb and flow of thoughts. When we begin to witness the transitory nature of thoughts, we recognize the foundational space in which the alternate, the dreaming and the waking states play out.

When we begin to witness the transitory nature of thoughts, we recognize the foundational space in which the alternate the dreaming and the waking states play out.

As we grow in awareness, we begin to touch the fourth dimension, the inner reality if infinite time. While this happens, the other three aspects, the mind, the body, and the external world, do not disappear. Awareness gradually melts the subconscious collection of thoughts, experiences, and memories.

Awareness causes inner “warming,” which initially floods the conscious mind with stored memories and experiences. However, as the internal melting continues, the conscious space of perception becomes more open and free. It interrupts and ultimately stops the self-perpetuating process of adding to the subconscious collection of thoughts.

As awareness creates and broadens the gap between us and the mind, any new material cannot quickly enter the subconscious mind. Awareness acts as a brake on the mind. Less we interpret old or new information that occupies the conscious mind, the more room we create for the mind to burn its contents sequestered in the subconscious mind.

When we practice awareness with the mind as the object, it has twin benefits. One, the practice of awareness itself strengthens and deepens. Second, the old mind gradually disappears.

A sustained period of awareness “penance” gives us a sharp, energetic mind with crystal clear clarity. The mind becomes like a two-sided mirror. On one side, the external world reflects, and on the other hand, the inner world reflects. Awareness takes neither side.

The inner realm is the most critical dimension. When the connection is strengthened through awareness, the other three aspects become stronger. We can do more for the world, and every experience becomes enriching, which ultimately makes life meaningful and fulfilling.

When we are in pure awareness, we are not afraid that the show will end as we can experience the past, present and future all at once, by becoming everyone, everything, everywhere and everytime in the 5-D consciousness.

If there is infinite time, then there are infinite spaces we can fit in time – which are endless possibilities, potential realities, dimensions and experiences and this is the secret foundation of a multiverse and parallel universal lives of each soul.

Now lets understand the metaphysics of tesseract and higher dimensions by referencing about Cooper in the Tesseract as we know in the movie Interstellar :

Who are the mysterious “they” people keep referring to? Assuming Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) is right, “they” are our descendants, who have evolved to exist in five dimensions. Because they exist in five dimensions (time being the fourth dimension), their experience of time is not linear in the same way that ours is.

It is belived to be that the Tesseract is an enormous, hyper-cubic, grid-like structure and a means of communication for the bulk beings to express action through gravity with NASA.

It is possible to project tesseracts into three- and two-dimensional spaces, similarly to projecting a cube into two-dimensional space maneuver to allow CASE and Amelia Brand to arrive on Edmunds, Cooper and TARS detached themselves from the Endurance and fell into the black hole Gargantua. They were both seemingly rescued by the bulk beings and brought into their three dimensional representation of five dimensional space. The Tesseract allowed Cooper to communicate with Murphy Cooper in various time periods, presenting time itself as a physical dimension rather than linear.

Everything is linked by the strings of time, which Cooper can manipulate. The beings made this comprehensible to Cooper by allowing him to physically interact with the Tesseract. Every push of a book from him was communicated to the appropriate time period with gravity, and when he touches the “strings” of the watch he gave his daughter, he can cause its hand to twitch from the moment he does so for the rest of its existence in time itself.

Cooper realizes that he was in fact Murph’s “ghost” all along, and that while the bulk beings can perceive five dimensions, they cannot locate a point of reference in time; however, he can due to his connection and love for his daughter, drawing him to her much like gravity draws things to itself.

The bulk beings or higher beings can perceive five dimensions as opposed to four, able to see every moment in the past, present, and future.

When the bulk beings close the Tesseract, Cooper speculates to TARS that they are not aliens but humans from millennia in the future, from a time when humans have evolved to a point they are able to harness untold amounts of energy and possess access to the entire universe. — Arzoo Singh 😊

Tesseract 😊

Crop Circles ⚛️ – Door to the supernatural.

Crop Circles -the strange mathematical, sacred geometric and fractal patterns that appear mysteriously overnight in farmers’ fields – provoke puzzlement, delight and intrigue among the press and public alike. Crop circles are like fields of eerie feelings and a door to supernatural realizations on our existence and purpose. Synchronicity is around. Undoubtedly we see sacred connections between manadalas and crop circle templates too. The word ‘mandala’ arises from the Sanskrit and means sacred circle. The circle symbolizes the womb of creation; and mandalas are geometric designs that are made through uniform divisions of the circle. We just have to open all of our senses and be aware that the nature whispers all the time.

Since the start of the 21st century, crop formations have increased in size and complexity, with some featuring as many as 2,000 different shapes and some incorporating complex mathematical and scientific characteristics. Since becoming the focus of widespread media attention in the 1980s, crop circles have become the subject of speculation by various paranormal, ufological, and anomalistic investigators ranging from proposals that they were created by bizarre meteorological phenomena to messages from extraterrestrial beings.

High sound frequency levels have been detected inside crop circles in terms of frequency. The frequency levels have fluctuated between 260 and 329 MHz, with some reaching 1.2 GHz. The intricacy of the pattern increases with frequency, which means, the greater the frequency, the more complicated the pattern. It is also noteworthy that typically measuring devices, cell phones, digital cameras etc. oftentimes do not work inside crop circles or in the very close vicinity of such.

We just have to feel it, make our lives more simple and surf the waves of harmony as directed by these spottings. The patterns in the crop circles resonates cymatic formations with unique frequencies assigned for healing and well-being affects. Cymatics is the study of wave phenomena, especially sound, and their visual representations. Cymatics and crop circles demonstrate that sound at different frequencies produces complex shapes in matter that correspond to natural and religious shapes and symbols, and formations that resemble sacred imagery. The gong and Tibetian bowls demonstrates that humans may cure themselves or change their attitudes by influencing vibration and the sound produced by the vibration, which differs at different frequencies.

The intervention of vibrations and sound in Cymatics, crop circles, and the gong demonstrates that we humans are connected to and with a higher power, if we chose to recognize it. This insight demonstrates that we have choices and, to a degree, command over our lives. Humanity is a part of something much deeper, wholesome, natural and significant than we are often and commonly lead to believe. In the end, we do have the ability to create our own happiness, again, if we so chose.

Crop circles and sacred geometry have many similarities if you believe they were made by an invisible intelligence. Cymatic patterns, which resemble potent symbols like the mandala, pentagram, and Merkaba, also share very similar geometric characteristics when compared to crop circles in their appearance. The biblical term for the merkaba is light (mer), spirit (ka), and flesh (ba). The term “Merkaba” signifies divine light that echoes through in a double-superimposed tetrahedron star vehicle. The “The Vitruvan Man” art by Leonardo DaVinci has been analyzed using the Merkaba form. It is meant to depict man as a flawless, exquisite piece of geometry. According to DaVinci, humans are a precise collection of geometric forms. Humans ought to mirror our Creator if they are ideal creations.

The physicality of the crop circle holds a deeper meaning as well. The wheat used to make the crop circles represents Mother Earth and harmony. All crop circles begin with a circle and grow in size. Circles are symbolic of cosmic life, the unknown, and heaven. Crop circles, like mandalas, contain vibrations that help in the process of inner transformation. The square signifies material and earth, and when combined with a circle, it depicts the fusion of humankind and the universal spiritual mother. Crop circles demonstrate that nature is mighty and knows just who to speak with.

Many New Age groups incorporate crop circles into their belief systems. In India also we make rangolis and other such auspicious signs, patterns and symbols for the best of outcomes expected, festivity, well-being, harmony, aesthetics and sacredness. Such indigenous and sacred patterns have been part of many cultures since time immemorial. Some paranormal advocates think that crop circles are caused by ball lighting and that the patterns are so complex that they have to be controlled by some entity.

Crop—circles which appear on farmers’ fields, with their gigantic yet intricate patterns, have intrigued scientists and UFO buffs for decades, but with none emerging any wiser. Wiltshire is the home of Stonehenge and an even more extensive stone circle in the village of Avebury. The rolling downs are dotted with burial mounds and solitary standing stones, which many believe to be connected by an extensive network of “leys,” or paths of energy linking these enchanted sites with others around the country. It is said that this vast network is overlaid in the form of “sacred geometries.” The region has also given rise to a rich folklore of spectral black dogs, headless coachmen and haunted houses.

Visitors to Glastonbury, the Mecca of new religiosity, are often devotees of alternative spirituality and Shamanism involved in therapeutic work either full or part time.
They have a common holistic approach to existence, where the cosmos is a spiritual, pulsating and living whole. From such a perspective, crop circles become charged with meaning. The special feature of this part of England is that the region is also rich in alleged lines of energy (ley lines) and unique ancient monuments, with Stonehenge as the best-known.

Increasing numbers of scientists are becoming intrigued by the nature of the phenomena. Will future generations look back at us with amazement, wondering why we failed to respond to these messages? Some believe they convey brotherhood from outer space and mark towards the beginning of new golden age on Earth with 5th dimensional capibilities of humans and mother Earth, while others think these phenomena are manifestations of humanity’s own desires and intentions.

Stop trying to understand it all with our heads. Our hearts tell us what matters and we need to make time and space to be able to hear.We are an intrinsic part of nature. We are not standing above it. We cannot just use it for our own luxuries and pleasures. We need to return the gift. Reciprocity is key in our connections to other people and in our connections with nature too. Crop circles are said by some who have studied them to be messages from intelligent extraterrestrial life. — Arzoo Singh 🫶

The Language of Light ✨

Light Language consists of dynamic sound, light codes, sacred geometry and cosmic information that interacts with your energy field. The Language of Light is a piece of spiritual technology that assists you in attuning your frequency to that of your divine blueprint. The other important piece about Light Language is that it bypasses the mind, so you are unable to get caught up in stories, and it speaks directly to your Soul, reminding you of who you are at a soul-level, reminding you of higher frequencies, so you can shift your recent field and match those higher frequencies.

It’s called light language because that is how it appears to the inner eye as the practitioner is speaking—words that are on fire or really lit with gold. Some say they are channeling light language from other beings in other realms or star systems; some say that it comes from their higher self. Some believe that it is both: Those “celestial” beings are fractals of their own self. At the soul level, Light Language can help us heal emotionally and physically, connect to our innate wisdom, activate dormant gifts and truths, and connect to our purpose.

Each person has their own style of expression as distinct as their voice, as distinct as the beings or aspects they are bringing through them.  It is a new kind of mystical communication, much beyond telepathy. In an age of misunderstanding, how beneficial it would be for us also to learn and feel new ways of communicating that, as trees and dolphins and ETs and angels already know.

Each time you interact with a transmission, your energy field is different, so it affects you differently according to your current needs. Light Codes are energy patterns that all of creation emits and within them is encoded healing energy, thoughts, imprinted emotions, intent and grace. When put together in a series, they are called a light language. For eons, humans have been locked in a shallow understanding of who we are as spirit beings. While our linear thinking may help us feel safe, it can also limit us from communicating on a deep soul level with our Creator.

It is when we bypass human reasoning, if only for a brief moment, that we tap into a realm where we join with something so pure and wonderful that it defies logical explanation. It is these moments that allow us to know that our experiences in those dimensions are more real than our daily lives that greatly ignore the divine aspect of who we are. Light is the language of the soul, which allows us to communicate directly with Source without the interference of the mind, while activating codes to assist with healing and restoration on all levels.

When we tune in, all living bodies emit energy, and within that energy are patterns called codes. 
We may even be able to see these patterns emitted to us from the universal collective around. Some people can see and feel these patterns, codes shared in light, have created books and oracle card decks based on them, especially clairvoyant people and lightworkers. Others can activate light codes within them and around in presence of such people and entities or via Shamanic practices and transmit the same to those in need.

There are many variations of Light Language. Some languages have more Angelic basis, and focus more on physical and emotional healing. There is also Elemental Light Language, Angelic Light Language, Galactic Light Language, Ancient Light Language and others. It is a deeply layered alchemical transmission of information, that it is not linear. It is multidimensional and multifaceted. Light Language each of human soul is also unique, because we each carry a distinctive signature of angelic, galactic, elemental, and ancestral energies – a unique cosmic inheritance to say.

Humanity is changing. Intuition and spiritual growth are escalating within many. Light Language is a natural part of this evolution, though it is such a different type of expression that it is often misunderstood. Its activation is an indicative of advancements into heart-centeredness, kundalini awakening, life-purpose and spiritual ascension. Light Language elevates you through healing, and activates deep cellular knowledge about the innate and powerful flow of love, wisdom and power within you. It is an ancient and futuristic form of communication used for lifetimes, that resonates with and connects with the soul- rather than the logical mind attached to comprehension through a specific perception.

Light Language is a channelled cosmic language that distributes sound frequencies and energy packets to convey messages- interpreted by the heart, and speaks familiarity to your soul rather than to your programmed hearing and brain. This allows you to consume information differently by expanding your senses and openness to 6th sense, psychic and clair powers. There is no direct word for word translation for Light Language, it is a compilation of energy that is digested Quantumly within.

It is about how the transmission makes you feel- rather than how you “think” about the information or sound coming through. For those who are ready- Light Language helps to activate the dormant portions of your DNA- open your third eye and remind you of your mission- purpose- power- true soul essence, and where you come from. 

Similar to ancient hieroglyphics – they tell a story beyond conceptual language- one Symbol often translating paragraphs of potent information. All Light Languages are different- just as there are many different languages on Earth, and different dialects within those categories- the same goes for Light Language. In my awareness- all Light Language is channelled- meaning it is being funnelled through a stream of higher consciousness and translated through the being who is acting as a conduit for those codes.

When I say Light Language is encoded- I am referring to the Energy that is embedded within the symbols of the expressed language. Channeling and Mediumship of light languages brings in a gamma state of brain which connects multiple areas of our brain. Gamma waves are associated with increased memory recall, sensory perception, focus, processing speed, and creativity. A full trance-like energy thereby brings in harmony, personal power, and a certain familiar remembrance or deja-vu of our cosmic lineage and expansiveness of our higher self. Light Language can be spoken, written, transmitted through binaural beats, danced, signed with the hands, or toned. It is as individual as each channel who brings it through.
—–Arzoo Singh 🌌

Ascending souls 🤍

The pursuit of ascension tends to initially be the pursuit of Esoteric and Arcane Knowledge and becomes Experiential in nature with time. We humans are Awareness babies living in a vast magical kingdom called life. Awakening is when you realize you don’t just live in a physical world but actually a band of frequencies, fractals and a responsive holographic Universe. Each one of us is a fractal of the Unity light consciousness refracted into the Chakra Systems.

Thus we begin to form a bridge between Alchemy and Quantum Theory. Mind over body and increasing cases of psychosomatic diseases is a classic example to explain the alchemy of thoughts and vibrations and its effect on our bodies and destiny. Sacred Sciences through the ages have tinkered with the connection of consciousness and the material world.

Whether you call it Ascension, Awakening, Enlightenment or Transcendence it all means the same thing with minute differences in the levels of spiritual mastery. One is inexplicably drawn to experience a state of being beyond the limits of physical perception where the veil between this world and the other worldly becomes thin.

Consciousness is important, being aware of your mental states and working to expand the limits of consciousness to higher levels of perception, purpose, intution and cognizance. Those who are self aware knows that ascension process generally starts from ‘the dark night of the soul’ and eventually takes form of ‘the hero’s journey’. Perhaps this journey is merely about learning how to ask a better question, rather than finding a better answer. Be a seeker and keep widening your horizons of knowing and learning and practising the same.

A long-tested way of expanding consciousness is through regular spiritual practice to be found in Buddhism, Islam, Jainism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism and esoteric Christianity and in many other indigenous cults and aboriginal tribes. The religious doctrine is less important than the discipline of working with the mind and your ability to perceive higher dimensions. One can find spirituality in religions and vice-versa. There is no clear demarcation but only a thin line of indoctrination and free spiritism. To conclude is to stop discovering realms and layers of Universe which remains hidden, until the time is right and then the spirit world opens up to you.

The moment you are certain you know everything is the moment you have strayed from the path. Remember, every new understanding is merely a doorway that leads to even greater mysteries of the Universe. When you have answers, the journey ceases; when you have more questions, the horizons fade and a world of infinite possibilities unfold before you.

It is important to know that this growth of healing, shadow work and ascension is not linear. There will be setbacks. You may even experience a moment when everything becomes clear, then suddenly that moment fades. As you progress, those moments of clarity will become more stable and last longer. It is all part of the ascension process.

Seven Keys of Ascension :
This is list is not meant to represent an exclusive path. It is only presented as a primer; a tool to help you to begin or augment your ascension journey:

The Great Work: Unlocking the origin of ascension practice by exploring ancient wisdom about the core quest ‘who am I’ and my ‘purpose in this life’ beyond the egoistic and acquired labels.

Sacred Geometry: discovering the sacred within the patterns and ratios, such as The Flower of Life, Golden ratio etc., found throughout all of existence and the sacred mathematics of the Universe.

Sacred Sciences: exploring the vital essence of all life to discover the sacred within all things like numerology, astronomy, astrology, geology etc.

Spiritual Practice: this enables you to connect with the subtle essence of your true being, which is a reflection of the divine whether its chanting of mantras, yoga, meditation and many other means of consuming spiritual teachings and its enactment .

Expanding Consciousness: by learning new ways to see the world, you discover your intricate connection with all things spiritual and physical.

Developing Connections: Divination and manifestation are two effective ways to bridge the divine and the mundane into Unity consciousness and bridging polarities.

Transcendence: By understanding what ascension really is, and where the journey leads, you realize that you are on an infinite road of self-discovery and evolution, here musical and high frequency meditation can help.

In the modern era, awakening undoubtedly means the convergence of cutting edge science with the wisdom of the sages. This is why it is important to realize that we are not limited to the body. We are spiritual and divine beings, just now awakening to our potential.

To embrace that awakening, one must learn to reach out to this other world and gain perception of it through tools like Divination and Manifestation. Divination allows you to gain spiritual information beyond physical means, Manifestation allows you to enact change in the physical through spiritual means. ~ Arzoo Singh 💛

Dualities and Oneness ☯️

“Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing 
and rightdoing there is a field.
I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.”-― Rumi

To reach oneness, we need to traverse the paths of duality and plurality. There is a hidden unity in every diversity of life and its various expressions. The very nature of life is of extremes, paradoxes, polarities and exceptions. Polarity is always a matter of degree and not kind. We need darkness to understand the importance of light, both day and night, joy and grief brings balance to life and helps us to appreciate things in the right perspective. The old Shamans discovered that the entire Universe is composed of twin forces that are at the same time opposites and complementary to each other, as light can only be understood with the wisdom of darkness.

Everybody has a little bit of the Sun and Moon in them. Everybody has both Yin and Yang energies. Everyone is part of a connected cosmic system. Part as Earth and sea, wind and fire, with some salt and dust floating inside our systems. None of us are just black or white, or never wrong and always right. No one. No one exists without polarities. Everybody has good and bad forces working with them, against them and within them. The interplay of Opposites Principles constitutes the Universe, only to let us strive and meet in the midst of these and realize that it has all been just the same thing in different quantities and kinds. There is a utility of each in this creation and divine dance of things across spaces and times.

That all opposites—such as mass and energy, subject and object, life and death—are so much like each other yet for most of us, its hard to believe. But this is only because we accept the boundary line between the opposites as real and concrete. To say that Ultimate Reality is a Unity of opposites, implies that in the Ultimate reality there are No boundaries anywhere of Space and Time, especially it is seen in the higher dimensions. All is occuring at once, as a part of the whole and not as as distinct entities but in tandem for the greater good and justice.

We are all different expressions of one reality, different songs of one singer, different dances of one dancer and different stories but the writer is one. People desire to seperate their worlds into polarities of light and darkness, good and evil, right and wrong etc. Polarities serves us in learning and growth. There is hidden message of balance, equilibrium and wholeness of things due to pluralities and dualities.

There is two sides of everything and this is called as the Universal law of polarity. Polarity gives a spectrum of diverse choices to people with its two ends as extremes. We can always learn more where there is difference of caste, creed, culture, ethnicity, religion, language and society. Diversity brings rich human experiences and beautiful cultural heritage to nations and sub nations.

We are reflections of one another, therefore we are all projections of the universal principles of polarity and of  oneness, as children of the same infinite consciousness that we call God. PEOPLE are wonderful one at a time. Each one of them has an entire hologram of the Universe somewhere within them. When we are identified with Awareness, we see through the illusions of dualities, where everything finally sumps up to a holistic picture of things. ~ Arzoo Singh 🤍


The missing link 🌌

Which power is responsible for the shifting timelines on Earth, change of seasons, life and death, the dynamism of nature, Earth revolving around the Sun, the atoms vibrating at certain frequencies and everything we can think of; would also always leaves us with an obvious answer and the answer is God . In all the chaos, there is always a secret order. Curiosity, seeking, quests and scientific temperament often helps to solve the missing links of human existence and discover the core truths and universal laws of existence.

As Nikola Tesla said, the day Science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. Collective efforts towards the clubbing of Science and Spirituality is very important in order to address and emancipate the missing links in our understanding of this world and the other worldly. Even Science and Technology would benefit from this in the fields of 5G, quantum computing, internet of things, blockchain technology, space explorations, genome sequencing, artificial intelligence, cellular biology, data mining and many others.  We need to integrate God as the prime driver of energies and its transmutation  in all our theories of Philosophies, Humanities and Sciences. The ‘Theory of Everything’ and ‘Vedic Science’ throws ample light on this subject for us to begin with.   

In all things of nature, there is something of the marvellous. Generally, the physical laws of Nature becomes a part of scientific query and the laws of Universe, energy, vibrations, patterns and frequency becomes a part of spiritual query for people. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach helps us to understand Science in terms of Divinity and Divinity in terms of Science. For both are inseperable. To marry both, the ‘Quantum Leap’ is one of the ways. Technologies of Science, Sprituality and Quantum field have immense possibilties in enhancing human potential and joy of living.

Ultimately, the problems we face cannot be solved at the same level at which they were created. Genuine change, whether it be in the hearts of people or in the culture at large, is more difficult than changing the appearance of things and therefore can be a more rare occurrence. In hard times, inner changes must precede changes to outer circumstances. The current problems of the world are bigger and more complex than the institutions established to deal with them. Meaningful change requires a true transformation that shifts the levels of understanding and opens the realms of possibility. Yet, there is a poverty of imagination when it comes to facing the size and depth of the problems we all face.

The Earth itself is a living being, everything is alive here and has consciousness. Individually we can take responsibility of our carbon footprints and the legacy we leave behind as a human. We must help our mother Earth replenish her resources as we adopt sustainable use of resources and recycle waste materials produced, mitigate pollution and climate change, restoration of forest and water bodies and each one of us taking a pledge to be responsible resident of this beautiful planet.

We cannot keep shying away from incorporating humanness and spiritual aspects in our public and economic policies. Bhutan and its Happiness Index highlights the importance of cultural, environmental and human aspects of life, it cannot be just growth but we need overall development of all faculties and sectors in human lives. Many other countries and agencies are emulating the same but the spirit of implementation is not the same. Standard of living cannot be the only criteria.

Normative and behavioural economics is a great success already in meeting individual needs in lines with ones cultural and psychological aspects. Systemic, structural, strategic, economic, social, and political ways of organisations and operations needs to be aligned with the broader perspective of our existence. This will foster efforts in the direction of inclusive growth and development, sustainaible peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity.

Social media, Artificial intelligence and Pop Culture are best agents to propagate discourses, quest the missing links and mainstream such questions. We have mastered the ‘ selfie’, now its time to master ‘ourselves’ and be the torch bearers of these shifting paradigms. We went astray from our higher self because of mass level spiritual amnesia over a long period of time. The hard problem of consciousness can also become easy only if we all try to solve it and share our experiences. The greatest technology hidden from us is our own consciousness. Harnessing the same open doors to unimaginable treasures of life. More we seek deeper truths and purpose, more is our spiritual and intellectual development.  Its all about our individual choices as to shift from the ‘veil of ignorance’ to a greater possibility of love, well-being, sustainability, awakening and prosperity.   ~ Arzoo Singh 😊

Cosmic Giggles 🌞

Life is a play, we must not take it so seriously. To make sense of the larger picture, we need to be expansive and receptive in our demeanors and attitudes. Wit and grit is of utmost importance to make our lives easier and enjoyable. Planning, discipline, hardwork, organisation all that is important but only to the extent that we live without excessive stress and worry. We need not just compete through life or spend our time and energy on daily routines solely. Leisure and play is good for our vibrant health as much work is. The very nature of life is like a river , that is to flow and not to drag or resist. We must live in the present. Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the Gods made for fun.

God arranges comical scenarios where there is a lot of sychronicities, fun and lessons to be learned in our everday lives. What we see and experience often that paradoxes, irony, oddity, enigma, anomaly and mystery is quite pervasive in the lives of people, societies and nations. Many meaningful coincidences in our lives leaves us awe-struck and we wonder that yes not just in movies but in our lives too things happen in an orchestrated manner. Synchronicities and serendipity are such experiences of universal winks.

One of the most intrinsic quality of God and Universe is humour. Life is a cosmic joke , it is a controlled folly. Fate and destiny goes hand in hand and so does the invisible hands of God works all the time on land and beyond . You huff and puff and make believe it makes a difference, even though you know it doesn’t. Nothing is accidental, the Universe is too intelligent for that type of creation. The sooner we accept this, the more peace will prevail in our hearts, minds and lives.   

‘Leela’, the divine dance of life is what Gods are good at instrumenting for us, and we take it so seriously.  To the topsy-turvy ride of life, humour, compassion, love, grit and empathy  directs us towards the deeper meaning of life and its nature. Consciousness and our soul is always pure and powerful. If we want to be touched by the consciousness that we refer to as Krishna, we need Leela the path of the playful.        

Ultimate disappointment of the ego can pave way to enlightenment, there is no other way. We think ourselves as so important, so we are, but not in an egoistic way this should be welcomed. Its nice to be important but it is more important to be nice and wise. We are just stardusts and little specs in this huge cosmos. If we learn to approach everything in a celebratory way, we learn to be dead-serious about life, yet absolutely involved.

Meditation and contemplation allows a space and chance to see the folly of our own predicament. The perspectives about yourself and the universe that you arrive at through meditation makes you giggle or laugh. This giggle is without malice. Its not of this world but of the universal ways of things at play. Cosmic chuckle is the delight in the fun of it all and thus offers sweetness of emotions. Awareness of the passing show of one’s own life allows a lightness to stage a wise part, where only a moment before there could be hopelessness.

Humour puts things into perspective and brings pleasantness in life. There are many levels of humor. There is a humour of survival, a humour of gratification and aspirations and a humor connected with power. You got to feel strength and power from inside and not to seek it outwardly as we can attract only what we are. Beyond all these there is a humor that is filled with compassion and greater understanding about life.

It is reflected in the tiny upturn in the mouth of the Buddha’s picture, for he sees the humor in the universal predicament. A sense of humor is a much needed armour. Joy in one’s heart and some laughter on one’s lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life. All beings are lost in illusion, yet Buddha knows that they will awaken from that illusion for they are, at heart, already enlightened. He knows that what seems so hard to them is from another perspective is their own path to liberation. Often breakdowns leads to breakthroughs in life.

Like a welcome summer rain, humour may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you. A laughter is the closest distance to be travelled for fulfilling relationships. Smile, Laughter and Joy can take away any intensity of negative energies around us. Worrying and the dramas of mind and thoughts makes us astray from our truest self and potencies. Life is so much easier with a sense of humour. A good sense of humour is your common sense dancing. The more you use them, the more you will have it. All things on this Earth is primarily governed by the divine forces and the divine itself is full of magic and giggles. ~ Arzoo Singh 🙏

Choose Love 🧡

A lifetime with scanty love is of no account. Love is the water of life. Drink it down with heart and soul. Life indeed is so amazing, so many experiences, so many good , so many bad, so much variety. When life is so unpredictable, how is it that majority of people are so stuck in their beliefs, choices, thinking and view points. When things change inside you, things change around you. The main reason for fallouts in life is that we refuse to grow, to change , to learn and move on. We want to know the reasons why this, why me etc. and waste a lot of time. But when good and great things are offered to us by life, seldom we ask why me, why this. Thats quite natural too as all we want is a pinch of love and light here and there to keep us moving.

I don’t think that I am any less or more blessed than anyone else. Blessings need not be just material things, but things of the heart, mind and soul. Its something I have realized that on the front of the heart and soul, we all go through similar experiences. Our tokens of happiness are similar in nature. Almost identical heartaches and painful experiences is a truth for all. Most relatable would be our covid experiences all over the world recently. Its the resources that vary from people to people but the challenges are same like that of health, relations, family, friends, career etc.

For sea of challenges in life, instead of depending on something or someone outside of you , best would be the one who knows swimming or who is self sufficient. Yes you can be all on your own and swim around the world without the cruise, that will bring more freedom and strength to ones soul. Choose love. Yes whatever it is choose love.  If you want to leave or have to leave some people, places or situations behind, detach but with love.  First try love, it will work for maximum times, places and people, where it may still not, try distance. Love is the one thing, we are capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. We love the existing and departed souls in our lives that shows how love transcends time and space.

Never hate someone or something. I can tell why, because anything unresolved in our energetic field will keep manifesting in our lives until we choose to heal or let go. The mind or ego wants to put everything in a box where it can be defined or fixated with proofs, labels and explanations. The same people and challenges and experiences will come again and again in different forms until we learn that yes love is the much needed panacea for human struggles. We repeat what we don’t heal and repair. We seem to keep breaking our own heart until it opens and thats the wound, where the light enters you and growth happens. There is no other way out to peace and freedom other than compassion and love.

Most of us understand true love in terms of our romantic partners and interests, mother’s love and all such epitomes of love but true love is also love and respect for each soul . Such bonds certainly makes us to appreciate the other one with some real depth and warmth. When you love, you experience it first, and it radiates out to others. The more you love other people, the more love you get to experience. Love can change the vibes in the air. Love is the highest vibe and God is at the highest vibe and frequency. When you learn to love life no matter what, taking things as lessons and experience, you evolve and you learn to reach God as you vibrate on such a frequency. Love leads to light and wisdom.

God has this one thing, rule, law and play that he created us humans, sends us on this journey called life, give us free will, only in anticipation that we will choose to love and learn to love our life stories instead of remorsing and repenting. Ego keeps us aloof and closed from the infinite nature of this vibrational Universe. Karma is there to give us feedbacks in all our life years and stages of evolution. With the course of life experiences, either you become sweet or bitter, if you can’t be sweet, try salty. Never be bitter, because that bitterness will do no harm to anyone but you, your health emotionally and physically. Health is wealth, and real wealth is healthy relationships. We must practise postive thinking and hopefulness, as it is rightly said Never say Never. Till there is life, there is all possibilities of things to happen, we must enjoy the ride and embrace everything that comes along.

Age with grace, gratitude, love and light. Love yourself first of all and also the most and you shall ace love generally only to attract more of it. And the help you offer to others comes back in astonishing ways too.  So always keep up with your good heart and helpful nature and life will amaze you. Love is inclusive of all perspectives, even the ones you disagree with. It is all existence. Any other way of life is a scam, because you will have to face the similar challenges again and again , if not in one life time, it would be lifetimes after lifetimes, until we become one with love and have unity, fraternity and solidarity in our hearts and minds. So this whole purpose of life is nothing but to teach each one of us that nothing but love can save us everytime. ~ Arzoo Singh🧡

Fate, Karma & Destiny 💫

FATE happens to you, KARMA is done by you, and DESTINY is a mix of both fate and karma. In one aspect of your life, you may excel as much you are putting in the efforts and in many other aspects, this may not happen. This is something we don’t accept and understand, neither look for the solutions.

Those who think that solely karma can create ones destiny is a fool. You can never say that, what you are sowing , you will definitely reap , here the element of fate and luck arrives. You can also mess up your already given fate of good luck and prosperity due to your own karma. Those who think life is what happens to us, and we can do nothing about it, is a fool as well. The one who understands that in ones entire life, both fate and karma has an equal role to play is the wise one.

Somethings will happen to you, some you will make it happen and somethings will never happen. We need to be equanimous and poised in all scenarios. We cannot feel entitled to a scenario until and unless we are ready to do the inner work, work with our shadows and personality and breakfree. We humans exercise our Free Will but the consequence and results of same is not in our hands all the time.

There is a higher power and force who is woving the tapesteries of cosmic events and events on Earth. People’s roles and relationships, their higher purpose to be served on this Earth and the overall drama of life is already decided. Going spiritual helps in recieving divine love, light, wisdom and blessings. Otherwise we would just be a confused person looking at the stars or other people to blame.

Man proposes, God disposes. See if you go by a belief that whatever you will put your hands on will fructify, thats over confidence. Whatever you are planning is going to come to your platter is also over optimism. Excess of any emotion is dangerous. Expectations from wrong places, people and things are generally the main cause of our sorrows.

It is the conditioning of beliefs since childhood that when internalized by humans, makes it very difficult for us to have a balanced point of view on anything. We are in habit of taking sides or making one thing bigger in importance than the other. For eg. Karma without Dharma is futile and both must go hand in hand.

The experience of life at physical level is not enough for manifestation and Law of attraction to work. Your emotional, mental and spiritual faculties must show signs of expansion for a meaningful life. Take a quantum leap to an awakened life. This is the only way to a fulfilling life on this planet. Either you become one with all or you  just be a name, label, designation, denomination etc.

Only working in the direction of your desire is not enough. You attract your desired outcome by being the vibrational frequency of what you desire. This is where the knowledge of thoughts, frequency and vibrations comes into play. Every human vibrates at a certain frequency which makes their vibrational aura.

Your aura is what others get to feel about you and the vibes you give, even before you speak and that is your energetic signature. By changing your thoughts, beliefs and actions to a higher order of wisdom and self growth. You become open to the miracles, Universe would love to serve you. So here your fate can be sorted out in lines with raising your vibrations. The Universe will start rewarding you in forms of signs and synchronicities and love you more as you do the self healing, growth and development.

Reclaim your true identity, expand your awareness and rest will be history literally as you will be a new person altogether and a new life will unfold. Break the chains of old habits, beliefs and things, which are burdensome to your soul. Let your light shine. Now is the time.

Mere doing the right and technical things is not a recipe for manifesting your dreams or even the small goals of life. Karma is not all about action but also about being, feelings, intentions and motives. Learn to be authentic with your intentions and motive. What people miss out that Thinking and Speaking is also Karma and not just Doing. We can never fool the Universe. It knows our innermost feelings and intentions. The world may be knowing you with your presentations but the Universe knows your intention and it gets only gets impressed by a pure, kindred and rightful intentions of a soul. One can think and behave in any manner for oneself and others, but what looks like such an ordinary stuff is actually shaping your fate and destiny. Thoughts creates destiny.

Intention behind any karma therefore becomes of paramount importance whether its about our realtionships, career, health, wealth or luck. Only then we can send a clear message to the Universe. The more messed up our expressions are, the more messed up fate and destiny.

Some may speak great things to others still not feeling the same inside. Or some can also be a bad mouth, that emanated from ones thinking, then seen in words and actions. Some can do all the right things but have a self-doubt and speak negatively about life in general. Some can think at a low frequency of greed, hatred, jealousy, ungratefulness, anger etc. for most of the things and times in your life.

Such a way of incoherent life creates karmic block and karmic debt and some we could have created in our past lives too. Although, not everyone is a believer of past births and reincarnation but those who do, must know that karmic imprints carries on to all births with the eternal soul and is held intact in the Akashic records.

The key to reap the rewards of our hard work is to keep your thoughts, words and actions in alignment and coherence with a good intention attached for the greater good of all. This goes hand in hand with the alignment of our mind, body and spirit. Alignment of faculties is also a gradual path to Awakening. Destiny masters are an efficient writer, director and actor of their own movie called life.

We are all mortals for a lifetime, but immortals for lifetimes to come and go. Our soul has karmic imprints and God walks with us everywhere. The more we become in tune with our true essence and universal laws and wisdom, the more we are gifted with great deeds and karma in life, beautiful destiny, glorious fate and luck. Because we learn to unleash the power of our soul in our every thought, word and action and live a life guided and blessed by the divine forces.

~ Arzoo Singh 🙏

Holistic view of Health 🦋

All of us can experience our minds thinking, imagining, problem-solving and doing the cognito-affective functions. But can you see the mind as you can see the brain and draw its diagram too on a paper . The answer is no. Same applies to the hard problem of consciousnesss. But still each one us can talk about consciousness and its role which is to be a energy vessel for divine connect and the role mind plays in our lives, i.e. mental functions and thinking. We need to study these metaphysical concepts as a holistic view on health. Mental is a realm not a body part but then what. Like the physical, we have a mental body, emotional body, spiritual body and etheric or astral body.

Mental health, emotional health and spiritual health needs to be given due importance along with the physical. We need to acknowledge the significance of all the layers of these energy bodies as much we understand the physical . Physicality can be experienced by our five senses embedded in the five organs to see, touch, smell, hear and taste, providing the gateway to understand the external world. Likewise, for the mind and soul, we have the Sixth sense having a vital purpose in making decisions based on intution and gut feelings where facts, logic and rationality will only have a limited role to play.

There are senses, to aid greater understanding of the outer realities and of our universe with a feedback mechanism inside our mind and soul. We can call it intution, sixth sense, extra sensory perception or clairvoyance. The spectrum for these heightened awareness levels starts from a basic intution and empathy endowed to everyone to some extraordinary capibilities like telepathy, telekinesis, precognition, prophecy, parapsychology experts and many more.

In India spirituality is simply popular since ancient times and a focal point for the emergence of many religions, cutures and ethnicities. Yogis attain certain ‘Siddhis’ by various yogic practices of higher order. These metaphysical phenomenons are as true as ones first hand experience of something. Hail such people because it motivates us to harness full human potential. If some can do, all of us can. Least what  we can do is to keep our body, mind and spirit in alignment by doing meditation.  The options for meditation is diverse as much uniqueness is there in each individual.

Spirituality has taken different forms and shapes by the waves of times but always wins in bringing unity to the diversity of people and places. In both eastern and western worlds, there is an emergence of  ‘Pop spirituality’ which is more mainstream and in sync with ones identity, way of life, choices and culture. Today, young generation, the millennials especially are seeking greater meaning to life apart from good college degrees and high paying jobs. Passion and purpose for something is what helps humanity to ascend and God’s grace catalyses the same.

Mind works best with high intellect levels, body with a sound health, our hearts becomes happy with beautiful relationships, but the soul yet yearns for something and that must be answered. Awareness of ‘conciousness’ is the first step to embark upon the journey of soulful identity. Soul conciousness itself is the biggest leap in realization of self and the answer to ,’who am I’. This could be a divine calling , an awakening or simply a result of climbing up the ladders of Maslow’ hierarchy of human needs. Development of the faculties of  mind ,intellect, body, emotions, spirit and social well being is the way forward to longevity and beauty in life.

In these times of pandemic, we understand the importance of health over anything else. The saying ‘Health is wealth’ can’t be more true. Also pursuance of holistic health as suggested by WHO, is the key as illness of one faculty affects the others. Today most of the disease are due to lifestyle disorder and are psychosomatic in nature that is generally caused due to stress. Its wise to understand that how our life feels is anytime more important than how it looks like on socia media. Small changes in lifestyle related to our food habits, sleeping habits, etc. can lead us to a healthy way of living where we can also up our quest for self actualization and God realization. ~ Arzoo Singh😊